Early Years Curriculum
Physical Development
Moving And Handling
Learning Objective - PD1.1
Turns head in response to sounds and sights.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.2
Gradually develops ability to hold up own head.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.3
Makes movements with arms and legs which gradually become more controlled.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.4
Rolls over from front to back, from back to front.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.5
When lying on tummy becomes able to lift first head and then chest, supporting self with forearms and then straight arms.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.6
Watches and explores hands and feet, e.g. when lying on back lifts legs into vertical position and grasps feet.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.7
Reaches out for, touches and begins to hold objects.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.8
Explores objects with mouth, often picking up an object and holding it to the mouth.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.9
Sits unsupported on the floor.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.10
When sitting, can lean forward to pick up small toys.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.11
Pulls to standing, holding on to furniture or person for support.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.12
Crawls, bottom shuffles or rolls continuously to move around.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.13
Walks around furniture lifting one foot and stepping sideways (cruising), and walks with one or both hands held by adult.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.14
Takes first few steps independently.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.15
Passes toys from one hand to the other.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.16
Holds an object in each hand and brings them together in the middle, e.g. holds two blocks and bangs them together.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.17
Picks up small objects between thumb and fingers.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.18
Enjoys the sensory experience of making marks in damp sand, paste or paint.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.19
Holds pen or crayon using a whole hand (palmar) grasp and makes random marks with different strokes.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.20
Walks upstairs holding hand of adult.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.21
Comes downstairs backwards on knees (crawling).
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage - Learning Objective
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.22
Beginning to balance blocks to build a small tower.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.23
Makes connections between their movement and the marks they make.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.24
Runs safely on whole foot.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.25
Squats with steadiness to rest or play with object on the ground, and rises to feet without using hands.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.26
Climbs confidently and is beginning to pull themselves up on nursery play climbing equipment.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.27
Can kick a large ball.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.28
Turns pages in a book, sometimes several at once.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.29
Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.30
Beginning to use three fingers (tripod grip) to hold writing tools.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.31
Imitates drawing simple shapes, such as circles and lines.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.32
Walks upstairs or downstairs holding onto a rail two feet to a step.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.33
May be beginning to show preference for dominant hand.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.34
Moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.35
Mounts stairs, steps or climbing equipment using alternate feet.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.36
Walks downstairs, two feet to each step while carrying a small object.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.37
Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.38
Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.39
Can catch a large ball.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.40
Draws lines and circles using gross motor movements.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.41
Uses one-handed tools and equipment, e.g. makes snips in paper with child scissors.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.42
Holds pencil between thumb and two fingers, no longer using whole hand grasp.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.43
Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PD1.44
Can copy some letters, e.g. letters from their name.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months