Early Years Curriculum
Shape, Space and Measure
Learning Objective - M2.0
Babies’ early awareness of shape, space and measure grows from their sensory awareness and opportunities to observe objects and their movements, and to play and explore.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - M2.1
Recognises big things and small things in meaningful contexts.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - M2.2
Gets to know and enjoy daily routines, such as getting-up time, mealtimes, nappy time, and bedtime.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - M2.3
Attempts, sometimes successfully, to fit shapes into spaces on inset boards or jigsaw puzzles.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - M2.4
Uses blocks to create their own simple structures and arrangements.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - M2.5
Enjoys filling and emptying containers.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - M2.6
Associates a sequence of actions with daily routines.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - M2.7
Beginning to understand that things might happen ‘now’.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - M2.8
Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - M2.9
Beginning to categorise objects according to properties, such as shape or size.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - M2.10
Begins to use the language of size.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - M2.11
Understands some talk about immediate past and future, e.g. ‘before’, ‘later’ or ‘soon’.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - M2.12
Anticipates specific time-based events, such as mealtimes or home time.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - M2.13
Shows an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.14
Shows awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.15
Uses positional language.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.16
Shows interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.17
Shows interest in shapes in the environment.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.18
Uses shapes appropriately for tasks.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - M2.19
Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects, e.g. ‘round’ and ‘tall’.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months