Early Years Curriculum
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
Learning Objective - PSE3.1
Is comforted by touch and people’s faces and voices.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.2
Seeks physical and emotional comfort by snuggling in to trusted adults.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.3
Calms from being upset when held, rocked, spoken or sung to with soothing voice.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.4
Shows a range of emotions, such as pleasure, fear and excitement.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.5
Reacts emotionally to other people’s emotions, e.g. smiles when smiled at and becomes distressed if hears another child crying.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth - 11 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.6
Uses familiar adult to share feelings, such as excitement or pleasure, and for ‘emotional refuelling’ when feeling tired, stressed or frustrated.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.7
Growing ability to soothe themselves, and may like to use a comfort object.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.8
Cooperates with caregiving experiences, e.g. dressing.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.9
Beginning to understand ‘yes’, ‘no’ and some boundaries.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 8 - 20 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.10
Is aware of others’ feelings, for example, looks concerned if hears crying or looks excited if hears a familiar happy voice.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.11
Growing sense of will and determination may result in feelings of anger and frustration which are difficult to handle, e.g. may have tantrums.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.12
Responds to a few appropriate boundaries, with encouragement and support.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.13
Begins to learn that some things are theirs, some things are shared, and some things belong to other people.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 16 - 26 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.14
Seeks comfort from familiar adults when needed.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.15
Can express their own feelings, such as sad, happy, cross, scared, worried.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.16
Responds to the feelings and wishes of others.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.17
Aware that some actions can hurt or harm others.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.18
Tries to help or give comfort when others are distressed.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.19
Shows understanding and cooperates with some boundaries and routines.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.20
Can inhibit own actions/behaviours, e.g. stop themselves from doing something they shouldn’t do.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.21
Growing ability to distract self when upset, e.g. by engaging in a new play activity.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 22 - 36 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.22
Aware of own feelings, and knows that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.23
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.24
Can usually tolerate delay when needs are not immediately met, and understands wishes may not always be met.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months
Learning Objective - PSE3.25
Can usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine.
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- 30 - 50 Months